April 15, 2020


The series of images titled ‘Broken Moments’ started as an exploration into a scenario of which many of us are familiar with, that broken moment where we realise we are trapped; often by ourselves or our inner demons, whether this be a relationship, work or indeed just life in general. It is also a series of work that depicts the strength and courage it takes for us to walk through these situations, without avoiding or stepping around and to ultimately become stronger for it.
I wanted to create all of the effects at the studio phase, photoshop was never an option. I also wanted to incorporate painting into the images, some of the shots have glass in them that I spent months painting and perfecting to create a particular sense of atmosphere.
I’m not sure when or even if this project will end. It has become such a personal journey and one that I have had the privilege to share with many people that have worked with me, sharing their broken moments.
Marcus Jake